Friday, April 25, 2008

I feel like..

I feel like yelling out!!!! Just couldn't get the stringing adjustment right. Blogging is da onli way where i can get personal and pour it out. At the same time of not being a problem maker to frens whom i share my stuff with. This RSL stringing machine is so so difficult to adjust man...Yannade...Has been going to the distributor for countless times for advise but i just couldn't get it. His name is Din and he's like quite patient in da beginning until i call him so often that he lost some of his temper although he didn't show it out. It has to be so precise and neat or else the string will pull back and looses it's tension. Not only that the string will create gaps when contacted with the shuttlecock. Ah! Has been trying to get it right for dunno how many hours and sweat untill my shirt all got wet. And still the same. Ah! So frustrating man. Suppose to be a good week where i'll get my internet connection, getting to string the racquet properly, and God speaking to me in a reli clear way. Somehow or rather things just get in between and i lost my touch with Him for a few days. Didn't manage to reflect. Ah! God is amazing in revealing His ways to me as i recall.God is good! =). But this 2 main stumbling block(stringing and internet connection) got in the way. 1stly the man who suppose to fix my com should have done it earlier but he keep on procrastinating fixing other ppl's com. He get on my nerves and he keep on asking me to wait for him to come and get it fix for me but he never show up at all until i go and find him. Ah! In the end the internet connection tak jadi..Ah! Coz couldn't reach my shop. (Wireless connection). Ish. That IT man is from India and he will be leaving to Chennai, India this coming Sunday. For those who went to India for mission trip u can follow dat guy along. Let me know if u are interested k? I 'll give u further details. Aha. blablabla.. OK..that's the 1st one..and we go to 2nd wan..jeng jeng jeng.. Stringing adjustment...Ah! so so frustrating...speechless.

Okok..dat aside. Alright, at least tonight i have something to look forward to...going to's where i'll get to hear God speak once again.. Something to shout out LOUD about.. refreshed and be rejuvenated. Looking forward for a good time in church this weekend.. "undignified dancing around". ahaha. Listen to Matt Redman wei..=)

So dead tired now..feel like sleeping..suffer another 2+ hours and yay..freedom...freedom..And yeah, it is good that God actually created Sabbath, a day of rest for us. After a week of so much happenings, it is good to come back to Him. Reflect and recall of the many things which He has done for us. Sabbath was made for the good of our well being. Or else we will be just existing and not living life as what it meant to be. I can sense those words comin out from God.."Stop your work". "U can work for 6 days but the 7th day is to be a day of rest". Do not be chasing after money like those who doesn't know God, who will work all their lives pursuing after material wealth. Yes i realize that our life is more than money in a better way now. Relationship matters much to God and i am guilty of it. My cousins, aunties and uncles, mum, frens, and neighbour..all of them. Recalling one fo the bible verse that says, if u do not care for those of your own one's u are worse than the pagans..something like dat. I think i need some rebuking here for simply twisting da word of God.aha. Correct me.

Ok, think i shud stop here. Didn't expect to write such a long post. It's good that when i start to pour myself out soem things just came into my mind, recalling some of the good things that happened to me. God is awesome! It has been a good exercise for my brain too..dead cells starting to reform new ones..Yay! Hasn't been studying for a long time and need to get back to study..exam in May. Ah!

Ciao and God bless u guys. Have a blessed weekend worshipping God. =)

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